Bleaching is a method of whitening natural teeth with a bleaching agent.
There is a so-called “office bleaching”, which is carried out directly in practice and “home bleaching”, which can be carried out at home using a splint.
Home bleaching is done at home using a splint into which the bleaching agent is placed.
Patients may observe increased sensitivity of the teeth after bleaching, but this can usually be remedied by fluoridation measures. According to current scientific knowledge, a negative impairment of the hard tooth substance is not to be expected, provided the application instructions are observed.
The teeth should be brushed before starting bleaching. We recommend professional tooth cleaning in advance.
There are a few things that should be considered, e.g. very heavily pigmented drinks such as tea, coffee, red wine ... etc. should not be drunk immediately afterwards. There are precise instructions for the treatment of what has to be observed.