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We answer your questions

General / Contact

How can I book an appointment at the practice?

The easiest way is by phone (040 4226377). You can also book selected treatments online via Doctolib (

How do I contact the practice?

You can reach us by phone during opening hours. You can also send us an email at at any time.

What do I do if I have a dental emergency?

First call the practice. On weekends and public holidays, we point out the emergency dental service on the phone.

What should I do if I cannot make it to an appointment?

Appointments should be canceled at least 48 hours before treatment. Please call us or in case you booked through Doctolib, you can also cancel online.

What treatments do you offer?

Our range of treatments is wide. You can find all the methods under the heading Treatment

Which forms of public transport reach the practice?

All Hoheluftchaussee buses (exit at Eppendorfer Weg). The closest underground station is Hoheluftbrücke.


What exactly are dental implants?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root. The implant is an anchoring element for a crown, bridge or prosthesis.

How does the placement of the implant work?

Before the implantation is planned, the treating dentist conducts a detailed consultation. Before the procedure, the surgical site in the jaw is locally anesthetized so that the patient does not feel any pain. The gums above the jawbone are first cut with a small incision. Then the implant hole is created with a drill. The implant is then firmly anchored in the implant hole. Finally, the gums are closed again with a suture.

What does an implant cost?

The cost of an implant restoration depends - on the number of implants as well as the type of implant and the degree of difficulty of the procedure. If necessary, bone augmentation or additional surgical measures must also be paid for.

What do I do before and after placing an implant? How long can I not eat before and after the procedure?

Good oral hygiene is a prerequisite for successful treatment with implants. Smoking should be given up if possible. Very thorough oral hygiene and disinfectant rinses prevent wound infection. Oral antibiotic therapy can be useful or even necessary under certain conditions. To ensure that the implant and the prosthetic structure (e.g. crown) do not cause any problems, regular checks should be carried out at the dentist. You should definitely have to wait with food and hot drinks until the effects of the anesthetic injection have subsided.

How long does the healing of the implant take?

The implant has to heal in the bone for approx. 3 months and should not be stressed during this time. After healing, it is exposed through a small surgical procedure. Then the crown or denture can be attached.

When can I get an implant?

If a tooth has to be removed, implantation is recommended after 6-12 weeks to ensure sufficient healing time.


What is bleaching excactly?

Bleaching is a method of whitening natural teeth with a bleaching agent.

How does bleaching work?

There is a so-called “office bleaching”, which is carried out directly in practice and “home bleaching”, which can be carried out at home using a splint.

What is home bleaching?

Home bleaching is done at home using a splint into which the bleaching agent is placed.

Is bleaching harmful?

Patients may observe increased sensitivity of the teeth after bleaching, but this can usually be remedied by fluoridation measures. According to current scientific knowledge, a negative impairment of the hard tooth substance is not to be expected, provided the application instructions are observed.

What do I have to do before bleaching?

The teeth should be brushed before starting bleaching. We recommend professional tooth cleaning in advance.

What do I have to do after bleaching?

There are a few things that should be considered, e.g. very heavily pigmented drinks such as tea, coffee, red wine ... etc. should not be drunk immediately afterwards. There are precise instructions for the treatment of what has to be observed.


Who is this treatment for?

Such treatment can be considered for young adults into old age.

Who pays for such treatment?

Not everything is covered by the health insurance company.

What are treatment options?

Aesthetic dentistry today offers a number of options for people who value an attractive appearance. Our treatment includes Vereers, ceramic inlays (fillings), all-ceramic crowns and composite fillings.

What are veneers?

You can find a detailed description under the link of the Federal Dental Association (

What are ceramic inlays?

You can find a detailed description under the link of the Federal Dental Association (

What are all-ceramic crowns?

You can find a detailed description under the link of the Federal Dental Association (

What are composite fillings?

You can find a detailed description under the link of the Federal Dental Association (


What is a periodontal treatment?

Periodontitis is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and, without treatment, can destroy the bone that supports your teeth caused by bacterial deposits. The resulting gum pockets must be treated as quickly as possible to stop the inflammatory process. Depending on the severity of the disease, there are several therapeutic approaches that are used individually.

Who pays for such treatment?

Generally speaking, health insurance covers most periodontal services, but there certain services that require private payment.

How does periodontitis affect my teeth?

The effects of this disease can be very diverse, from painful swelling and reddening of the gums, gum retraction to tooth loss.

What exactly is done during periodontal treatment?

The diseased and deepened gum pockets are cleaned with various therapies with the aim of stopping the inflammatory process. See under treatment periodontitis.

Does such a treatment hurt?

It is done under anesthesia and is therefore not painful during treatment. There may then be a slight pain after the treatment.

What should I do before the treatment?

No special preparation is required.

Conservative dentistry

Do I have to replace old amalgam fillings?

An amalgam filling should only be replaced if there are new traces of caries at the edge or if it is defective. If the filling is intact, there is no need to replace the filling.

What is better? Amalgam or composite filling?

In contrast to amalgam fillings, composite fillings are tooth-colored restorations, mercury-free, and stabilize with the tooth substance through a dentine-adhesive bond.

Toothache after a filling. Is that normal?

The tooth was irritated by the treatment, so slight pain may initially appear. However, toothache can be caused by many different things.

Are fillings subject to a fee?

Not every filling is chargeable, it depends on the material and the filling. Tooth-colored fillings made of composite materials in the posterior region are associated with a patient's own share. The reason for this lies in a more complex process in which the material is brought into the tooth in a precisely coordinated manner using the layering process. The tooth must be specially conditioned in advance for this. Depending on the size of the filling, this own contribution can be between € 60 and € 120. Which filling is best suited is discussed with you before the treatment and also whether there are any costs.

Is amalgam still used in the dental practice?

We have not used amalgam for over 20 years. There are many alternatives and we will be happy to advise you which filling material is best for you.

Pediatric dentistry

How are children taught about dental hygiene?

For children and adolescents we offer individual teeth cleaning, a service provided by the health insurance companies. In some cases, e.g. there are additional private liquidations for children with multiband treatment. This will be clarified in advance.

How do I have prepare my child for the treatment?

The child should come for treatment with brushed teeth.

Do we have to bring something to the treatment?

You can bring your own oral hygiene products to discuss whether they are right or should be replaced if necessary.

How does such a treatment work?

Oral hygiene is clearly explained and practiced with our young patients. We also remove stains and as a last step the teeth get fluoridated.

Is my child during the treatment in pain?

No, we take great care that your child feels comfortable at all times during the treatment.

Dental sealants for children

The sealing of the first permanent molars in children is a standard service provided by health insurance companies and is free of charge for parents. If an extended sealing is necessary, there are additional costs for a small composite filling. Parents will also be informed about this in advance.

Professional teeth cleaning

What is a professional teeth cleaning?

It is a very thorough teeth cleaning that is carried out by trained dental hygienists. The appointment lasts about 1 hour.

When do I need professional teeth cleaning?

Professional teeth cleaning has become an integral part of keeping teeth and gums healthy over the past 20 years. It is decided individually how often it should be done annually. Usually twice a year.

Is a professional teeth cleaning painful?

Generally, it is not painful. But it also depends on the condition of the gums and teeth.

Can I eat something before and after professional teeth cleaning?

You are allowed to eat before the professional teeth cleaning. After treatment you should wait an hour before eating.

What should I do before and after professional teeth cleaning?

You should brush your teeth well before and after the appointment.

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